Digital Hack minisode 5


You have heard the experts take a deep dive on big topics, now access a segment more valuable than Bitcoin. Our panellists offer exclusive digital hacks they use daily to better their life.

Podcast host, Fleur Anderson is joined by:

  • Australian Government's Head of Digital Profession, Randall Brugeaud
  • The Republic of Estonia's Chief Information Officer, Siim Sikkut

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Fleur Anderson:

Welcome to the Digital Profession Insights podcast Digital Hack minisodes. You've heard the experts take a deep dive on big topics, but here's your access to the segment more valuable than Bitcoin. We're asking our leading digital experts, what is the digital hack that they use on a daily basis to make their lives better? Let's hear what they have to say.

It wouldn't be a Digital Insights episode if we didn't ask our panel for their valuable digital hack. This is something that in the digital space that you use to improve your life every day, either at home or at work and it's something that other people might like to use as well. So today I'm asking our digital hack of Randall Brugeaud, the head of the Digital Profession and head of the Simplified Trade System Implementation Task Force. And Siim Sikkut, the government Chief Information Officer from the Republic of Estonia.

So Randall, can I ask you what's your top digital hack?

Randall Brugeaud:

So thanks, Fleur. I was a very big paper based note taker and I would retain my notepads with all of my records of meetings, actions, and so on, and I have completely transformed to a fully digital note taking and record keeping environment. And I use my iPad, others could use other devices and products like Notability and OneNote. I have found it just have transformed how I operate. I take written notes, I take voice notes, I incorporate photographs, websites, available on all of my devices and it has transformed the way I keep records.

Fleur Anderson:

I can see in front of you, you've actually got all your notes there on your iPad.

Randall Brugeaud:

I do.

Fleur Anderson:

And I'm a bit embarrassed. I've got an old scratchy piece of paper. I think it might be the outside of an old envelope with my notes on it. So I'm going to take that up.

Siim, what's your daily digital hack?

Siim Sikkut:

I think if I just go off sort of productivity, Fleur, I think the thing that has changed the most for me across the years is that I used to buy a lot of books. I used to buy a lot of records, music records. All fully digital now. So the way the streaming services have worked and sort of things like Amazon's Kindle or whatever have really liberated a lot of rack space in the home for that matter. And obviously it's all with me wherever I go in the world.

But just as the last point, I think what has changed our family life the most recently is that... Well, the kids, I have three small ones, they all are tempted by the screens, aren't they? But we managed to get them hooked to say, "Hey, you can have screen time if you play chess." So they've been picking that up now and it works beautifully, so let's see what comes out of that.

Fleur Anderson:

That's wonderful. Hopefully by the end, you'll have some little chess geniuses.

Siim Sikkut:

Well, as long as they can just do it basically, yeah. You use that to be a bit more rational and logical in whatever they do in life, that's good for me.

Fleur Anderson:

Well, thank you very much. That's terrific. And thank you for your digital hacks.

Randall Brugeaud:

Thank you.

Siim Sikkut:

Thank you.

Fleur Anderson:

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