Use this sign-off brief to ask for final sign-off from the approver. Ensure you select all the supporting checks as having been done. Subject line: Sign-off brief for [content title] Hi [name] We’re asking for your sign off to publish: [insert content title] [insert staging URL if appropriate] [insert go-live date] Below is a checklist of what we’ve already validated. We’d specifically like you to review this content for the following: • organisational risk • specific concerns such as [insert as appropriate] Please give a rationale for any changes that you need so we can revise and return for sign off. We don’t need you to review the following, which we have already checked and tested. [X] factual accuracy and relevance [X] user-centred language [X] SEO-metadata [X] accessibility compliance [X] readability [X] style and quality against Content Guide [X] product and/or project objectives [X] legislative requirements Thanks [name]